
Drunk with Power tells the story of a confused young man suffering a debilitating hangover; that is until he discovers he has superpowers. In three minutes, our protagonist arrogantly flaunts his new found superhero abilities to a small crowd of onlookers but in turn discovers a terrifying truth about himself.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Our Hero Develops...

Further design ideas for lead character; slowly but surely this is nearing completion.

The images above are based loosely on the character's design from my animatic, but anatomical adjustments have been made. Now he has a forehead!

Decided fairly quickly that I'm going to lose the crazy hair, mainly due to its lack of form and demanding need for secondary actions. As a result he's been left bald - still considering a beard and bedhead combo.

Studying form lead to another possiblity, giving him a mask, The Phantom style. These designs are much closer to what I've aimed for, flexible but solidly constructed. A little concerned he may be losing his hungover edge, but hoping he acheives a hybrid animation/comic aesthetic.

1 comment:

Drew Roper said...

nice drawings batman's no.2

His square jaw to me emphasizing him being a BRICK, TONK, MACHO as a super-hero should.

Good stuff