
Drunk with Power tells the story of a confused young man suffering a debilitating hangover; that is until he discovers he has superpowers. In three minutes, our protagonist arrogantly flaunts his new found superhero abilities to a small crowd of onlookers but in turn discovers a terrifying truth about himself.

Sunday 25 January 2009

Graphic Aesthetic Experiments

This pair of images are small tests, experimenting with graphic stylisation in my coloured layouts. The images themselves are not layouts from the film, but were mocked up so that I could clarify colour, texture and composition. As my film progresses I will create layouts that compliment the story through colour and style, using this to emphasise the plot.

Obviously, this is a stylised impression of scenes occuring in the sky. Because of the long focal distance in some shots, I want the layouts to retain interest and create a good sense of scale. Clouds will be paralaxed, though only slowly so as not to disrupt the composition.

This lineart for this image was created pretty quickly, so doesn't have the final layouts level of detail. Also, the perspective's pretty broken, it looks like something from Blade Runner and the composition's sloppy, but stylistically, I'm pretty happy with it! Masking lineart in photoshop means it can be coloured to compliment its contents, something I may use on animated elements if time permits.

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